06 septiembre 2016

1648 - Carcass Empathological Necroticism 1989

"Symphonies of sickness" sounds great; the sound coming from that guitar is saturated and definable but still totally crushing. There are myriads of great riffs thrown out by this guitar, hell even some great melodies crawl through the mud and rear their monstrous head on this masterpiece. The drums have a great sound, a range of beats from a talented drummer. 'Empathologal Necroticism starts off with some crushing chordwork and skin-bashing courtesy of Ken Owen, it soon moves towards a riff that carries a hint of melody underneath the sickening vocals. Unison between the different vocal styles are used effectively in different places throughout this track; and the opposing styles are also used to compliment and contradict each other. There's a delicious section where the speed erupts complete with blast beats and both growls and screams from behind the mic stand. There's also a nice syncopated riff that's only helped by the crushing guitar sound, and of course the amazing vocals. There's a great riff where the guitar takes centre stage and the drums compliment it well, which flows nicely into another riff showcasing that the band can actually write a good song aswell as make you physically sick.

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