09 diciembre 2017

1669 - Evo Animal de Ciudad 1983

Evo were formed in Barcelona towards 1981, initially they included in their ranks a vocalist named Carmen Garcia, with the well-known Pedro Bruque to the bass (then in Tigers), the drummer Ramon Solá, and two guitarists called Pepe Cánovas and Richard. After the departure of Carmen Garcia a key fact happened: the entry of Stímula, a character who, if we have to listen to his own words, became interested in the world of Rock because he was a lumberjack and spent many hours in the mountains, listening to the radio the whole day, so he decided to enter the business to be able to listen to himself. A new bassist, Zippy, guitarist Victor Molero, entered the bnd, and on the drums a veteran who had played in Los Salvajes and Lone Star, Jerónimo Martínez. In the autumn of 83 "Animal de ciudad" was recorded in London, a work composed of ten songs, in which Evo lay the bases of his style, visceral and poisonous Heavy Metal in your face. The homonimous song stands as one of the most powerful tracks.

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